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Nokia 5800|5530|523x| - RM-356|504|625|588 - Nemesis^3 ... Beta Test SOON!!!!

Big thanks to : OREO27, DJnokia5233, PrinceRM, Immortal_Yash, Prakashkaran, LPHS & Team ENVY who have shown me the ways of modding certain things I needed..... thanks guys, & definetely to PNHT for porting the C6 'absolutely amazing work guys, waiting for more'

---------------------------------------Nemesis^1 in short and links---------------------------------------

I will be basing my CFW around 5800-C6 Port v52 - RM-356
Nokia N97 will be based upon v22-C6 Port by Binh24 - RM-505
Nokia 5530-C6 Port v32 - RM-504
Nokia 5230-C6 Port - RM-588
Nokia 523x-C6 Port - RM-625


will be releasing all 5 phone CFW's on 29-01-2011

Total RAM (SO FAR) on startup with killme utilized & RAMBlow - 66.48mb


A Nemesis^1 Blog has been made :-



Download Links for Nemesis^1

Nemesis^1 5800 RM-356  -  333+ downloads

Nemesis^1 5230 RM-588  -  346+ downloads

Nemesis^1 5233 RM-625  -  310+ downloads

Nemesis^1 n97 RM-505 - 257+ downloads

This is my second release and will be based on the OFW and not the C6 port this time around here is a quick preview of splash screen, I will post a full update within a day or two for users to comment on Smiley Smiley Smiley Smiley

Boot-up screenies :-

For this time you will require your Original FW files for N^2, as before use the same methods applied like the norm, otherwise follow this link for info and a tutorial - Thanks to Upakul Smiley

Hidden or Removed apps:

Welcome note
My Nokia
Online Support
OVI Maps
Ovi Sync
Ovi Store
Share online
Help and other small ones Smiley


User Interface is very quick yet elegant
Gallery MOD is applied
Browser cache to E:
Application policy has been applied
JAVA permissions added
Cache size has been increased
Changed default theme to Pure Black by PiZero
Stopped useless apps starting up when phone boots
Music reads from e:/music/
Change font to Ubuntu Medium TTF
ROMPatcher 2.6 integrated and runs all activated patches on startup
Light DIM timeout changed to 25 seconds
My own modded menu layout Smiley
RAM save on camera exit
Lock keys & Screen changed to restart - thanks to CODeRUS
Device info has changed for Nemesis^2

Themes & visual modifications

Pure Black by PiZero 'set as default theme'
Flourescent 5th by IND190

Bookmarks used

Nemesis^1 & Nemesis^2

apps integrated

Nokia Filebrowser

Additional Files modded by myself from last time again Smiley

Removed the 'Go to music store' from the music player menus
Snooze time changed to 10min instead of 5min
AutoKeyguard settings changed to 2 minutes and max AutoKeyguard set to 10mins
Writing speed pushed up one more notch for fast typer's
Display lights default turnoff time now changed to 30seconds by default
Vibrations is set to off on Keyguard slide
Blue Tooth is on by default users may turn off with BTSwitch at anytime

Here are some screen snaps from my last test session before release :-



Links for Nemesis^2 :

5800 Nemesis^2 - RM-356 v52.0.007 - here - 135+ downloads

5530 Nemesis^2 - RM-504 v32.0.007 - here - 150+ downloads 

N97 Nemesis^2 - RM-505 v22.0.110 - here - 95+ downloads

5230 Nemesis^2 - RM-588 v40.6.003 - here - 205+ downloads 

5233 Nemesis^2 - RM-625 v40.1.003 - here - 127+ downloads 

Please give comments and bug reports here a.s.a.p. I am considering this the first release of Nemesis^2 as I am not 100% happy with it but I have been letting people down so here is Nemesis^2, please enjoy it Smiley Smiley Smiley Wink